

Disclaimer Liability

All representations on the Ravida Group Pty Ltd (Ravida) website are to be used as a guide only; these include any prices, photos, illustrations, floor plans, dimensions, layout, design features, views, materials and fittings. None of these representations should be relied upon as an accurate depiction of the final product, they may only be used as a guide and are subject to change.

None of the content on the Ravida website is an offer to sell and does not form part of any contract of sale. Any prices, specifications and other relevant details for a particular property will be set out in the specific building contract.

Ravida makes every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this website but, except where required by law, give no guarantee that the information or any other content found on this website is complete, accurate and up to date. Should there ever be any oversight, omission or misrepresentation in any information in our website, Ravida accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, cost or expense.

All information on the site is subject to change without notice.

Ravida will take reasonable steps to stop or at least minimise viruses and/ or any other forms of interference from infiltrating our website, however, due to the nature of the internet, we cannot guarantee our website will not be affected by viruses and/ or any other forms of interference from time to time. We expect Visitors to our website to take their own precautions to ensure avoidance of viruses and/ or any other forms of interference which may cause damage to their own computer system and do not accept responsibility for any such damage.

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